Netflix Fatigue

Bhargav Sarvepalli
1 min readAug 30, 2020

Over the years, many movies have been produced. And in 2020, with the onset of pandemic, people have been forced to stay at home. Since most people cannot go to movies, they resort to online TV. Netflix is a popular choice for that. Anyone’s journey through Netflix would be similar to this:

Day one, you see a long list of movies and series.

Day ten, you see a correlation between the stories but the categories are still wide

Day ninety, you reach a state called Netflix Fatigue

Its when you realize the jokes are not funny anymore. You feel that you are cycling through the same stories over and over again. It is just as the book a hero with a thousand faces describe. Every story has a hero, some obstacle, some evil character and some prize. At this stage, you think the stories are no longer original. Just a set of different actors, perhaps new costumes and locations.

You look for comedy, and you realize they are either dumb, racist or just someone’s desperate attempt to make you laugh. You look at action, you realize that the climax is dumb. You can now predict the course of the movies better. You know what to expect in case of a happy ending, or what could be a “twist”.

Yet, you keep watching because, there really is nothing better to do.

